Category Archives for Fun Stuff

How To Build A Barrel Sauna

Assembling A Barrel Sauna | A Very Cool Process & Pretty Easy To Replicate!

​I found a very interesting video on YouTube that was an assembly video for a barrel shaped sauna but I thought it was a very interesting process and decided to break down the steps I found into a blog post. I like doing this because it is easier to digest instead of watching the entire video […]

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12 Unique Saunas You Wouldn’t Believe Were Real

12 Unique Saunas You Wouldn’t Believe Were Real

​There were some really cool looking saunas out there that were very unique and very outside of the box. I wanted to share some of these I found to inspire anybody who may be building their own sauna or for those of you who just think their ​kind of cool.​1. ​Transparent​This transparent sauna with […]

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Sauna vs Steam Room Which Is Better For You

Sauna vs Steam Room, Which Is Better For You?

​Sauna ​Steam Room Temperature: ​A traditional sauna usually runs somewhere around 160°F, all the way up to 212°F. This is much hotter than an infrared sauna, which typically runs around 120°F to 140°F.Temperature: ​A steam room usually operates at a temperature somewhere around 105°F but can sometimes top off at around 110°F to 120°F, much […]

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